Category: Hydroponics

Strawberry Banana, also known as “Strawnana”.

Strawberry Banana, also known as “Strawnana” for short, is an indica marijuana strain developed by DNA GENETICS in collaboration with Serious Seeds. A genetic cross of Crockett’s Banana Kush and the “Strawberry” phenotype of Bubble Gum, Strawberry Banana inherited a sweet, fruity flavor, hence the name. Known for its heavy resin production and high-THC content, Read more…

Israeli study finds efficacy in using cannabis terpenes to treat COVID-19

The fledgling study, being carried out by Israeli cannabis research and development firms Eybna and CannaSoul, delves into the efficacy of using cannabis terpenes in treating COVID-19 infections. By ZACHARY KEYSER AUGUST 11, 2020 11:01 The initial results from an Israeli in vivo study testing the benefits of using cannabis terpenes to treat inflammatory infections, such Read more…

How to Water Cannabis Plants With Sparkling Water

Although it is a pricier option than tap water, watering plants with sparkling water may be one of the best-kept secrets to boosting plant growth. According to a study conducted at Colorado University Boulder, carbonated water makes plants grow faster and makes green plants grow greener. Sparkling water contains dissolved nutrients that are easily absorbed Read more…

How to make Full Extract Cannabis Oil.(FECO)

 Cannabis extractions should always be performed by a licensed professional. If you are venturing to try this extraction process yourself, you will need to be extremely careful when boiling solvents off as the entire process is extremely flammable. AVOID smoking, sparks, stove-tops, heat guns, and red hot heating elements. Set up a fan to blow fumes Read more…

Smoking Weed Before Competitions Is Now Allowed

Ivan SiiakAugust, 23 2016 World Anti-Doping Agency contributed to the legalization of marijuana by increasing the allowed levels of its active substances in the doping tests of athletes. What were all those dozens of disqualifications and ruined careers for? All of Jamaica, tens of thousands of athletes, and millions of people who are not interested Read more…

Medical cannabis companies cleared for London stock markets

Medicinal cannabis companies have been cleared by the UK’s financial regulator to float on the London Stock Exchange but firms that sell marijuana to recreational users will still be banned. The Financial Conduct Authority said businesses that grow and sell recreational cannabis, even in countries such as Canada where it is legal, cannot list in London because of Read more…


We have unwittingly been sowing the seeds of distrust, dismay, and despair within our own community by supporting the continued subdivision of our noble cause; ending Cannabis prohibition. These seeds have quietly taken root and have been growing unchecked in all corners of our community for decades. Activism, advocacy, anarchism, and academia have all seen Read more…

Nitrogen. Why it’s essential.

Nitrogen (N) in it’s natural form is an odorless, colorless gas and surprisingly makes up around 79% of the air we breathe! Its generally unreactive and the atoms exist in pairs as N2 molecules as a gas at room temperature. Nitrogen has common use in its cold, liquid state to fast freeze things.   Although Read more…

Coco Coir: Can It Be Reused?

Every grower who uses coco coir knows how great this medium is to use! Coco is almost impossible to overwater, it has the perfect pH for growing and it’s environmentally friendly! With all these great qualities its easy to see why you would want to reuse this amazing medium, and thankfully, you can! But, your Read more…